How to Remove Chewing Gum from Carpets

How to Remove Chewing Gum from Carpets

Removing chewing gum from carpets can be a timely and frustrating procedure. Depending on the colour and fibre of the carpet, you may have a serious job on your hands. Opting for a mediocre chewing gum remover probably isn’t going to cut it, especially if you hope to leave the carpet undamaged after application. When it comes to the question, how do I remove chewing gum from my carpet? The answer is CT1 Multisolve.

This product was specifically developed by C-Tec for use as a unique and safe aliphatic solvent. Where most other solvent removers use a burning method to remove the sticky gum, Multisolve uses neither a burning nor a harmful removal procedure. Instead, this remarkable solvent uses a gentle but powerful method which allows it to remove the chewing gum from the carpet without causing any damage or harm to the surrounding area.

CT1 Multisolve has been developed to successfully remove adhesives safely without damage to the user or the surrounding material. Chewing Gum by its name is an adhesive, hence why it’s so difficult to Remove Chewing Gum from Carpets. This sticky substance can become seriously wedged in place, and once it has hardened it can be even more difficult to remove. An old tradition is to use ice cubes to help pry the chewing gum from the material, however, this won’t do much good when removing chewing gum from carpets because of the many individual strands of fibre involved.

Multisolve on the other hand, will detach the molecular bond between chewing gum and the strands of carpet. Just spray Multisolve onto the gum and leave for 5/10 minutes. You will already begin to notice that the gum has started to detach itself from the carpet strands. The next step is to then agitate with a blunt knife, spray Multisolve once again if needed and then remove any excess gum with a damp cloth. No harm will come to the carpet (you have our word on that one).

Multisolve is also fantastic for removing old silicone, tar, wax, sticky labels and a multitude of stubborn deposits. It leaves no oily film in its tracks and is completely colourless. It is a 100% aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent and contains no traces of recycled solvents. If you need to use this product with plastic, you can do so as it is safe to use on both plastics and painted surfaces as well as glass and vinyl.

Multisolve is also the ideal product for finishing off our CT1 to create a smooth finished bead. Multisolve and CT1 work miraculously well together, which is why so many people have named them the powerful duo.

PROBLEM       How to Remove Chewing Gum from Carpet