How To Protect Your Bathroom From Bacteria and Microbes

How To Protect Your Bathroom From Bacteria and Microbes

With lockdown lifting and life going back to normal, many of us are wondering how we can continue to keep ourselves safe and healthy. But when it’s permitted and you’re ready to invite your friends and family into your home, how can you make sure you’re protected from bacteria and microbes?

We’re more concerned about our health than ever. Since the global pandemic, people have become more and more aware of germs and what can happen if you don’t have suitable hygiene practices in place. Preventative measures such as masks, hand washing, and regular cleaning are now commonplace, but many people are going one step further to make sure that their homes are protected against microbes and bacteria.

As you start to bring people back into your home, one of the places that everyone will use is the bathroom. This can be a difficult area to keep sanitary and is a prime location for bacteria and microbes to thrive. Door handles, taps, and flush handles are just some of the bathroom fittings that germs can spread between due to constant handling. When multiple people are using these, it may start to make you nervous or concerned about how clean and safe your bathroom is.

So, what can you do?

Some people will choose not to invite friends and family into their home again until they feel entirely safe. That’s OK, but there are solutions that can help keep you healthy and bring you together again. Here are some ideas:

  • Ask visitors to wash their hands with antibacterial gel on entry to your home, and again before they use your bathroom facilities
  • Clean your bathroom surfaces such as any handles, the sink basin, and toilet seat with antibacterial wipes after each time your bathroom has been used, or ask your guest to do this
  • Make sure that your bathroom surfaces are resistant to bacteria and microbes by replacing old sealant

While the first two suggestions are short-term solutions that should be used to enhance the safety of your home, replacing the sealant in your bathroom is a simple project that can have incredible long-term benefits.

Old or poor sealant is perfect for bacteria and microbes to breed. You may start to see evidence of this through dark spots, meaning that your bathroom isn’t as sanitary as you may have hoped ­– and this is just the visible proof!

The main reason that so many people use BT1, the ultimate bathroom sealant and adhesive, in their homes is because it’s been proven to reduce bacteria by 99.9%. This makes BT1 the healthiest bathroom sealant on the market.

But why is BT1 so effective? BT1 bathroom sealant and adhesive is almost clinically clean as it’s been scientifically proven that microbes and bacteria cannot grow on it. In fact, BT1 has been approved for use in all public health institutions, including hospitals and clinics.

While actively cleaning your surfaces and asking your visitors to take hygiene measures is a great way to keep your home protected, replacing your bathroom sealant with BT1 can give you the peace of mind that your bathroom is as safe as it can be.

Protect your home and pick up your BT1 from our retail partner, Jewsons, today!