How to make instant effective repairs to a broken trophy

How to make instant effective repairs to a broken trophy

Valued broken trophies are repairable        

Trophies are valued prizes displayed in the most visible of areas in people’s homes for the enjoyment of visitors and their adulation. They are something to be proud of and a constant topic of conversation among those who view them. It is natural that a hard earned trophy is displayed quite openly as a cherished symbol of some special achievement by the owner. Normally they are treated with great care and respect and adorn sideboards, china cabinets and even custom display stands to highlight their importance to all in the home. They become a lifelong symbol of human endeavour and individual pride, their imagery reflecting the specialist achievement for which they were awarded. They could be representative of athletics, swimming, football or any number of other sports. Trophies may also be for other areas of achievement including the arts, music, dance, educational success, equine accomplishment and prominence in the technology field. Irrespective of the achievement or particular discipline they are all equally valued. The instant repair solution is CT1, a revolutionary newly formulated adhesive that is taking the Construction industry and DIY sector by storm.

Miracle Glue does the job

It is inconceivable what the owner would feel and how they would react should their beloved trophy be damaged in any way. It has happened as testified by a young Spanish trophy holder who metaphorically fell to pieces when his proud possession fell to the floor and literally shattered into pieces. His world came crashing in around him when his fractured trophy left him broken hearted and in despair. It was not the loss of financial worth that bothered him but rather the loss of a piece of himself that was integral to the feeling of self worth the trophy symbolised. Is there any way of resolving the problem and re-establishing the feel good factor that trophy holders like Javier from Spain first experienced and enjoyed. Can you resurrect the mythical Phoenix? In short – yes!  Javier redeemed his situation by deploying the most effective glue available. He continues to sing the praises of CT1’s Superfast plus glue which performed the miraculous task of sticking his trophy back together again.

Aesthetic and practical solution                 

It did such a thorough job that there is no visible sign of the repairs having taken place. The porcelain trophy broke in a number of places which made repairs more detailed and difficult but the end result is a perfect replica of the original version which has made Javier a very happy man. There has been no fall from grace thanks to the wonderful solution provided by CT1’s Superfast Plus glue. Its colourless character, instant bonding and enviro friendly qualities have all colluded to provide an all in one solution to repair the broken trophy. It is good to be aware of this great product as a future effective solution to trophy breakage problems in your home. There is no longer any reason for despair among trophy holders who experience such a personal trauma. Their salvation lies in the capability of Superfast Plus to glue the pieces back together restoring the trophy’s original integrity and their sense of pride in their achievement.