CT1 and Scotland with Celtic FC

CT1 and Scotland with the Number 1 Team Celtic FC! Celtic and CT1 – two greats and two strong teams. TRIBRID® Technology, now 360% stronger! Celtic and CT1 – two greats and two strong teams. TRIBRID® Technology, now 360% stronger!

BT1 Reviewed by the National Health Executive

BT1 the latest technology for Hospitals was reviewed by the National Health Executive. BT1 fights against MRSA, E. coli and Campylobacter, and has been used in hospitals and clinics across UK!

TRIBRID® Tecnología

Nuestra exclusiva fórmula TRIBRID® está tan avanzada y optimizada científicamente que supera al resto de sellantes y adhesivos. ¡CT1 es ahora tres veces más fuerte! Puden copiarlo – pero nunca igualarlo! Nuestra exclusiva fórmula TRIBRID® está tan avanzada y optimizada científicamente que supera al resto de sellantes y adhesivos. ¡CT1 es ahora tres veces más […]

DHS Trade Day 2020

DHS are hosting their 2020 Trade Day on Thursday 8th October 2020. They will have over 500 special offers for their trade customers, so make sure you pop in for a drink, a bite to eat and to place your order. There will be lots of Special Offers on CT1 and Peel Tec on the day!  Guernsey Store: 8am – 8pmLongcamps, St […]