Connect blocks to metal stanchions with Power Grab N Bond

Connect blocks to metal stanchions with Power Grab N Bond

Difficulty of fixing metal ties to iron stanchions

Using traditional metal ties when laying concrete blocks against metal stanchions can present difficulties. Even with many attempts to drive metal ties into iron stanchions using power tools success is not always guaranteed. The operator can feel the wrath of ineffective penetrations with the metal tie flying uncontrollably backwards and clipping them on the hand. This is a painful experience which makes the job at least difficult and hateful in the extreme.

Replacing metal ties with a quick grab adhesive

Bricklayers are ecstatic about the arrival on the market of a powerful adhesive which effectively permits the adherence of concrete blocks directly to vertical steel stanchions without the use of either metal ties or mortar. This miraculous bonding product is the brainchild of CTec who are the illustrious architects and manufacturers of their internationally endorsed Snag List Eliminator Inventory of adhesives that cover every aspect of the Construction Industry’s bonding requirements.

Power Grab N Bond is a revolutionary product with a universal appeal. Its specific application in this particular instance has received plaudits from both Construction Companies and Builder Suppliers across Europe. Its chemical formulation is based on on C Tec’s unique hybrid polymer product CT1. They share certain qualities that make both products exceptionally efficient however this industrial strength product possesses other elements that permits heavy duty bonding.

Qualities that set this bonding agent apart

The capacity of this bonding compound to make a high initial grab followed by an astonishingly waterproof adhesion singles it out as an outstanding solution to attaching blocks to metal stanchions with no other fixings required. Power Grab N Bond’s chemical resistance makes it an ideal fit with both concrete and steel as there will be no resultant degradation from contact between the two. Another powerful incentivising factor in this adhesive’s favour is its full compliance with Health and Safety standards and also its green credentials. It is music to the ears of builders when you consider the extent to which it can be deployed in all similar situations.

Steel framed buildings are being erected all over the world so Power Grab N Bond will be a welcome solution to resolving the problem of dispensing with metal ties to tie in concrete blocks to vertical steel stanchions and replacing them with this magical adhesive. Its deployment will speed up the building programme and will also engender cost savings in the process. Time and material studies will prove this claim beyond doubt from a scientific perspective but that has already been superseded by universal praise of its incredulous characteristics and performance.

Easy effective application

The bricklayer only requires a tube of the adhesive and an applicator to perform the task as opposed to the unreliable traditional method of inserting metal ties requiring a power gun, a supply of metal ties and mortar and a lot of patience when the reluctant ties keep bouncing off the steel stanchion in refusing to penetrate it. There is no doubt from a tradesman’s perspective that Power Grab N Bond is the here and now adhesive ‘de rigueur.’