Fitting pre-cast Window Reveals made easy with Power Grab N Bond

Fitting pre-cast Window Reveals made easy with Power Grab N Bond

Window reveals are an attractive feature

Window reveals were and still are an additional window dressing providing an element of visual appeal and sophistication to a house exterior. They are effectively a raised window surround about twelve cms. wide which offers a pleasing cosmetic finish to the window when installed.    Traditionally they are constructed in situ by skilled plasterers using a cement mortar mix to create the reveal within the shuttered area. It is quite an expensive time consuming operation  requiring skill and patience. It also requires a few days for the wet mortar to cure thoroughly before any subsequent work or decorating can be carried out in that area. More recently pre-cast window reveals have become available and are indeed enjoying a growing popularity in the construction industry and amongst DIY enthusiasts. They come in attractive sections  with intricate scrolling and fluting features. Each section has simply to be placed in position and bonded to the wall. Until quite recently this part of the installation was usually accomplished with screw fixings in the wall to hold the reveals in place. This process was messy and time consuming with rebated screw heads having to be plastered over to provide a cosmetically smooth uniform finish. A revolutionary adhesive from C Tec has replaced and dispensed with all these former installation issues by providing an effective clean solution for installing window reveals.

Perfect adhesive for installing reveals

Many of the traditional adhesives are no longer available to the construction trade as an option since they fail to meet Health and Safety Directives. Other adhesives required fixings to hold the reveals in place while they cured or failed technically to do the job leaving an unresolved bonding problem for building technicians and tradesmen. Thankfully the problem has been resolved with the arrival on the market of a revolutionary bonding compound which not only creates an incredibly strong waterproof bond but also complies fully with all Health and Safety requirements.

C Tec’s Power Grab N Bond adhesive does exactly as its title suggests which makes it a tour de force in the field of adhesives. It provides exceptional initial grab, both vertical and horizontal, which is very necessary when installing heavy reveal sections. The adhesive holds it in place with no slippage whilst simultaneously permitting manoeuvrability so it can be positioned perfectly, providing a subsequent extra strong bond that literally, cannot be broken with a hammer. This is basically a one person job so a bricklayer, plasterer or even a handyman can fix it in place with a little care and patience. If the reveal installation is an afterthought, or perhaps years after the house build, a DIY person with a little experience should be able to instal the reveals on their own initiative. It is a simple operation to apply a few strips of the Power Grab N Bond to the back of the reveal by using a mastic gun to apply the adhesive. When the bond is applied the reveal section is lifted and pressed firmly into position. Initially the three inside reveal sections are fitted followed by the three outward facing sections ensuring they all line up with the wall edge. You have to ensure that the two outward facing vertical reveals are positioned first checking that they are plumb and in line with the window  vertical edge both left and right before the head is lifted into position between the two vertical reveals and pressed firmly against the wall for secure adhesion.

Quality features of this adhesive product

The molecular chemical structure of the adhesive compound, based on C Tec’s unique sealant CT1, allows for some movement so that the parts can be adjusted until they fit perfectly together. The initial grab and versatile bonding coupled with its fast curing time makes Power Grab N Bond the most effective industrial adhesive available to the Construction Industry. It was initially developed for facade or vertical bonding tasks which gives it such a unique bonding strength. Its versatility ensures that it bonds to endless materials such as stone, granite, marble, concrete, ytong all metals (including alloys),wood, stainless steel, polystyrene and most plastics. Window Reveal installation with this adhesive allows for a professional finish achieved in a fraction of the time it would normally take to construct the window reveals with mortar. This is a job that not only looks good but is guaranteed to last as long as the building itself, thanks to C Tec’s revolutionary industrial adhesive