How to attach decorative stone slabs to a garage wall.

How to attach decorative stone slabs to a garage wall.

How to attach decorative stone slabs to a garage wall.

Decorative stone slabs add a rustic and cosmetic appeal to a garage wall which is much more visually appealing than a rendered finish. They blend in perfectly with their natural surroundings and have a real built heritage connection. Traditionally they were attached to the wall by a brick layer using a mortar mix. It was a time consuming operation requiring sand, cement and if necessary a cement mixer. The process which required measuring and mixing was a messy activity to which there seemed no viable alternative method. That was until chemically engineered adhesives were developed, changing the whole concept of heavy duty bonding and introducing new more efficient and faster adhesive solutions. A number of super glues with heavy duty application were trialled and disappointingly failed to perform satisfactorily on different levels of performance. Some simply did not provide the permanent bonding solution that they claimed and others cracked or eroded when in contact with water or in reaction to extreme temperatures or environmental conditions. However a revolutionary new industrial transformed that situation by providing a really effective alternative to sand and cement and other forms of attachment. The amazing new heavy duty adhesive has formidable initial grab with an astronomically strong permanent bond that is stronger than the material itself.

An excellent industrial adhesive has been developed.

Power Grab N Bond is the brainchild of CT1, expert developers of an inventory of very successful sealants and adhesives to the Construction Industry. Designed specially for heavy duty vertical facade bonding it possesses incredible instant grab and cures to an unbreakable strength that is stronger than the material itself. Formulated on CT1 adhesive, the Company’s eponymous flagship adhesive/sealant product, Power Grab N Bond has much more density providing a greater product initial grab and a stronger cured strength. It is ideal for attaching decorative stone slabs to a garage wall on a number of counts including superb strength and lasting ability. An amazing and enigmatic product feature is its innate flexibility which allows vertical repositioning of the stone slabs with no sliding or loss of bonding integrity. Its resistance to moisture ingress, weather extremes, water submersion, impact,vibration and fungal growth makes it the perfect adhesive product for attaching decorative stone slabs to a garage wall. There is no mess, measuring or mixing required. You simply apply beads of Power Grab N Bond to the target material using a caulking gun. The right amount of adhesive product is dispensed via an applicator nozzle to the stone slabs, enabling instant adhesion and a cured strength that is incredibly strong and unbreakable. This is a one stop shop for all bonding applications and an effective replacement for other outdated means of attachment or adhesion. It will provide a beautiful stone facade that will not only transform the look of the garage but will also reduce labour costs by at least 50%.