How to bond wood to concrete with Power Grab ‘n’ Bond

How to bond wood to concrete with Power Grab ‘n’ Bond

Do you want to bond wood to concrete without drilling or having to use additional fixings or supports? If so, you need Power Grab ‘n’ Bond, a unique solvent-free construction adhesive with phenomenal heavy-duty bonding power. Whether you want to bond wood panels to a concrete wall or place wood flooring over concrete, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is the best adhesive to bond concrete to wood.

Bonding wood to concrete

Wood is a very porous material and concrete deteriorates over time. If you want to bond these two materials, you’ll need a strong and reliable construction adhesive that won’t let you down. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is the perfect bonding agent for wood and concrete and can bond the materials in small jobs like attaching a wooden shelf to a concrete wall, to larger projects like bonding wooden panels vertically to a concrete wall.

Concrete isn’t the easiest material to bond with. It is heavy, solid, and dense. This makes it difficult to find a suitable product to bond materials like wood to concrete. If you want lasting results, you must invest in a high-quality heavy-duty adhesive like Power Grab ‘n’ Bond.

To bond wood to concrete with Power Grab ‘n’ Bond, you must first cut the tube at the nose and apply it with the “v” on the nozzle facing up. Then, apply 450mm bead per kilogram weight on heavy vertical bonding. This is to ensure the best possible results. It’s also a good idea to make sure that all the surfaces you’re working with are clean and dry. If you can, set the wood on a flat surface and apply the adhesive carefully. When that’s done, you’re ready to press the wood against the concrete. Wipe away any excess adhesive or use a putty knife to help clear away unwanted adhesive that has dried.

Benefits of using Power Grab ‘n’ Bond to bond wood to concrete

With so many construction adhesives on the market, why should you use Power Grab ‘n’ Bond to bond wood and concrete? Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Unlike traditional methods for adhering wood and concrete, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond does not rely on a two-component epoxy mix. Instead, it is based on the revolutionary TRIBRID® Technology found exclusively in products from C-Tec. This means that Power Grab ‘n’ Bond has an exceptionally high structural bond that other adhesives can’t even come close to.
  • Power Grab ‘n’ Bond offers vertical bonding for heavy-duty applications with no additional fixings or supports needed.
  • Power Grab ‘n’ Bond reduces labour time by 50%, taking half as long to bond wood to concrete than other adhesives, which means it’s the most efficient way to bond concrete and wood.

Power Grab ‘n’ Bond can be used to bond a range of materials such as stone, marble, wood, concrete, mirror, glass, lead, metals, and so much more. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is available to buy from your local supplier.