How to fit an oak beam mantelpiece.

How to fit an oak beam mantelpiece.

How to fit an oak beam mantelpiece.

The best way to fit an oak beam mantelpiece is to deploy a tried and tested heavy duty industrial adhesive that dispenses with the need for any other type of fixing. There are a number of adequate bonding adhesives available for fitting an oak beam mantelpiece if it is resting on the actual fireplace. However, if it is a floating mantelpiece then it requires a really strong adhesive solution capable of supporting the heavy mantle with no other mechanical support or fixing. Metal brackets can be used to support the beam but they can be unsightly and a distraction from the focal point which is the mantelpiece itself. Moreover you have to drill holes in the wall and screw on the brackets to provide a secure prop for the oak beam. This is a time consuming, laborious and dusty process that would have been used traditionally to fit the mantelpiece. A fireplace appearance is greatly enhanced by the installation of a rustic beam which creates a homely ambience and acts as a shelf above the fire for a clock or other ornamental display. Its role is simply cosmetic and decorative in setting off the fireplace and providing an attractive visual relief for a wood burning stove standing below. A long awaited alternative method of fitting the oak beam vertically to the wall has been achieved with the development of a new revolutionary heavy duty adhesive which dispenses with the need for any additional mechanical fixings or supports.

Vertical bonding is attained with a revolutionary industrial adhesive.

The development of an innovative heavy duty adhesive has transformed facade vertical bonding into a  reality. Power Grab N Bond, the amazing brainchild of CT1, who develop and manufacture sealants and adhesives for the construction industry, has grabbed the endorsement of construction and other industrial workers across the UK, Ireland, Spain and Norway. Feted as the most effective heavy duty adhesive to come on the market it has quickly become the ‘go to’ adhesive/sealant solution for practically all industrial type bonding applications. Based on the Company’s illustrious and eponymous adhesive CT1, Power Grab N Bond has much greater density and formidable grab capability. It is originally designed for the vertical bonding of marble, granite and stone slabs to building facades with no other supports required. This stand alone adhesive product possesses a host of bonding qualities that sets it apart as an effective heavy duty adhesive. It enigmatically bonds while retaining a flexibility that allows repositioning of the oak beam or other material with no sliding and no compromise on adhesive integrity. It is solvent free, non hazardous and is resistant to water ingression, vibration, impact and fungal growth. Its chemical structure provides resistance to UV and prevents product cracking, shrinking and disintegration which essentially means long lasting effect. It copes with all materials and is totally versatile so makes the ideal adhesive solution for fitting and securing a floating oak beam mantelpiece. Power Grab N Bond is easily applied using a caulking gun which delivers beads of product to the target material in a frugal yet effective manner. A string of these beads applied to the beam will secure it to the wall in an efficient way with no other supports required. A truly revolutionary adhesive with amazing results.