How to fix heavy plaster cornicing to the ceiling.

How to fix heavy plaster cornicing to the ceiling.

How to fix heavy plaster cornicing to the ceiling.

The best way to fix heavy plaster cornicing to the ceiling is to deploy a tried and tested safe industrial adhesive that provides optimal strength and long lasting effect and will secure the cornicing to the ceiling and wall simultaneously with complete and long lasting efficiency. Traditionally, heavy ornate cornicing was screwed onto lathes attached to the wall and ceiling to provide a secure fixing. It was a time consuming and laborious task involving drilling, screwing and filling spaces with plaster of paris to a smooth finish flush with both ceiling and wall. It required skill and experience to successfully execute this method of fixing cornicing and invariably expensive professional help had to be enlisted to complete the job. Cornicing made from light fibreglass as well as other composite materials proliferated from the 1960s onwards and adhesives were used to fix them in place. However, they were not sufficiently strong to effectively glue heavy duty plaster cornicing to the ceiling and wall which left a fixing deficit as regards wider heavier type cornicing. It seemed that the traditional method was the only way to deal with this particular cornicing until a revolutionary new industrial adhesive came on the market quite recently. It has earned its stripes as the number one choice of heavy duty adhesive among construction and other industrial operatives who endorse it as the ‘go to’ solution for practically all heavy bonding applications.

An amazing new industrial adhesive is now available.

CT1, the company that develops adhesives and sealants specifically for the Construction Industry, has created a revolutionary new heavy duty adhesive that is being hailed as the ‘go to’ solution for all your heavy duty bonding applications. Its unique formulation based on the Company’s most successful eponymous adhesive/sealant, has a greater density and is chemically engineered for the vertical bonding of marble, stone and granite slabs to block or concrete walls. Its superb strength enables it to glue effectively without the aid of added mechanical supports. In fact it claims to be an all in one replacement for the traditional fixing methods of drilling, screwing and in some instances the use of mortar. The result of years of research and development, this high tensile strength adhesive with lasting effect and resistance to water, UV, vibration, impact and fungal growth is solvent free and non hazardous. Its proficiency is matched by its compliance with environmental and food standards and it is endorsed widely by construction workers and industrial operatives across the UK, Spain, Ireland and Norway. Small applications of Power Grab N Bond along the ceiling and wall length of cornicing is suffice to glue it tightly to both wall and ceiling. The fixing process is fast, clean and economical and can be successfully executed by an experienced DIY enthusiast to provide a professional job. Any spaces can be filled out in the normal manner to provide a well fixed heavy duty plaster cornicing.