How to fix Quoins with Power Grab N Bond

How to fix Quoins with Power Grab N Bond

Fixing Quoins was challenging in the past

Transforming a plain bland plastered wall into an attractive feature wall can be accomplished with the added embellishment of quoins or masonry blocks at the corner of the wall. They are an eye catching feature that can quickly elaborate the overall facade and endow the wall with a grandiose appearance. Quoins come in different styles and materials and it is purely a personal choice which ones you opt for. However installing them is an entirely different task with the traditional methodology proving very time consuming.

Fitting made easy with  Revolutionary Industrial Adhesive

The latest application proposition does not require any drills, masonry bits or plaster repairs – nor does it require a lot of patience or skill. The job can be completed in a fraction of the time normally taken and the end result is clean and professional. The secret to this sea change in installation is the arrival on the adhesives scene of Power Grab N Bond. This revolutionary bonding compound is simply applied using a sealant Adhesive Gun to dispense  six to eight strips on both sides of the quoin which is then pressed firmly in position against the corner of the wall. This process is continued from the bottom of the wall to the top until the job is complete. The quoins are then attached to the corresponding and opposite corner of the wall in a similar fashion until the task is completed. This challenging installation becomes a very simple operation with the help of Power Grab N Bond with completion taking no time at all.

Efficient results with C Tec’s heavy duty adhesive   

The finished product will never cease to impress the onlooker, especially as a tradesman does not have to be commissioned to do the job. A bit of task research on the Internet accompanied by a large dollop of common sense will enable the DIY operator to carry out the installation of the quoins in a thoroughly professional manner, producing an end result that is impressive and breathes new life into the house facade. The lay person will undoubtedly ask how the job was done and will be suitably surprised and pleased when it is explained that the kudos is due to C Tec’s magical  Industrial Adhesive. With its unique vertical bonding capacity it is proving to be the most efficient of its kind on the market.

Technically, environmentally  and health safe superior product

Building Supplier outlets across Europe and major Construction Companies are freely endorsing this product as the best in the field and there is ample evidence to support that conclusion. Not only does it present an effective solution to the problem of adhering heavy objects to other materials, it conforms with stringent Health and Safety regulations that set it apart from much of the market competition. The bond created is astronomically strong and is cured very quickly. It is solvent free and is resistant to UV rays and fungal growths, vibrations and most chemicals. Another plus in terms of its efficiency is its capacity to bond equally well on wet and dry surfaces though it is obviously advisable to ensure all surfaces are dry and free from grease before its application for guaranteed best results. Excess product can be removed from tools and surrounding surface in its uncured state with C Tec’s complimentary solvent, Multisolve.