How to Master Heavy Duty Vertical Bonding

How to Master Heavy Duty Vertical Bonding

When it comes to heavy duty vertical bonding applications, you need a product that you can trust. Regular sealants and adhesives from the hardware store just aren’t going to cut it. You need something stronger and more powerful. That’s where Power Grab ‘n’ Bond comes into the equation. This revolutionary product has changed the world of heavy duty versatile bonding. From the same creators of CT1, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond provides phenomenal results in initial grab.

Heavy Duty Bonding Adhesives

Heavy duty bonding is difficult for obvious reasons, but Power Grab ‘n’ Bond makes it easy. In fact, if you choose this product for your next project, labour time is reduced by a massive 50%. This saves you not only time, but effort. Heavy bonding requires fast results that won’t let you down. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond was developed for façade bonding. It has excellent adhesion to a huge range of materials such as concrete, granite, stone, marble, metal and most plastics.

If you need to bond granite and concrete or stone to metal etc. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is your answer. It created incredibly strong bonds between all of these materials and its hold remains intact. Many people struggle to attach a marble or granite slab to a wall. This application proved difficult because of the nature of the materials involved. The heavy weight is perhaps the main reason why it took so much time and effort to bond such materials and this problem was even more difficult to overcome with vertical bonding. The only real solution was to rely on a two-component epoxy mix. However, the results were slow to cure and each granite or marble slab in use would have to be supported by ties that were drilled to support the heavy weight of the materials and to help secure the bond.

Fast and Powerful Bonding

Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is a much stronger adhesive and ideal for such applications. Instead of waiting for up to 72 hours for a full cure to form, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond gets to work right away and provides an incredibly strong and powerful vertical bond between materials. Professionals from all trades are relying on the power of this strong product for bonding heavy materials. This allows them to avoid excess drilling and doweling, which is required with most other adhesives.

Power Grab ‘n’ Bond can be used for many different applications in and outside the house. If you want to put up a brand-new post box, for example, you can use this adhesive to mount it outside your home or commercial building without needing to drill to secure it in place. Another popular use for this remarkable adhesive is for bonding “caps” onto piers or heavy mirrors.

If you would like to find out more about the unique capabilities of Power Grab ‘n’ Bond, you can do so by visiting its product page right here.