Pool Sealant

Pool Sealant


Is there a pool sealant? Yes …there is… but is there one that will work underwater? Is there one that will be anti fungal, is there one that will seal a pool and withstand the test of time? No… is what the usual answer would be and impossible-But CT1 the revolutionary sealant from C-TEC has propelled us into a new era of sealants and maintenance of pools, aquarium\’s, ponds, Olympic sized swimming pools, bathrooms, sinks! It\’s the Mr. Muscle of Sealants…. It loves the jobs you hate and can’t do!

A testy, lengthy and costly job-re-sealing a pool-CT1 will allow you to seal the leak underwater! What?? I can hear you say! Yes is what I\’m saying! You can now seal the leak, without draining out the water, empty the pond, or your aquarium!

Its special hybrid polymer formulation will allow you to seal the leak under water, its special no chemical formulation will also seal the leak indefinitely, as this will never crack and let the leak re-open. It will also cure into a flexible state so will not crack, will never allow mould or fungus to grow on it.

CT1 also has been food certified and is safe for using near food or in aquariums! Your exotic friends will remain safe in the capable hands of CT1. The Number 1 Pool sealant.

We are proud to present CT1 the number 1 Pool sealant, as with most other pool sealant, CT1 shows extreme resistance to mould formulation and exhibits an excellent adhesion to substrates with permanent water/wet stress. It\’s the number 1 pool sealant also shows good resistance to disinfectant cleaners containing chlorine, and will resist ageing, UV radiation and chemicals along with temperature resistance.

CT1 the No 1 Pool sealant, is also ideal for your water fountains, public shower and changing rooms and has earned its reputation as the snag list eliminator…if you use CT1 from the start, the above nuisances in life are eliminated.

CT1 Pool sealant. The No.1 on the Market! © Copyright.