Power Grab N Bond- perfect solution for the vertical installation of industrial size marble slabs

Power Grab N Bond- perfect solution for the vertical installation of industrial size marble slabs

A difficult job made easy with the right solution

When we look at some of the world’s finest buildings including hotels, government institutions, palaces, museums and luxury residences we invariably see a large marble feature on their facade – a symbol of opulence, sophistication, civilisation and power. We rarely see beyond the superficial and care less about its structure or build. Fitting large slabs of polished marble on exterior walls is a skilled process and requires the requisite materials as well as the skilled labour to ensure an accomplished and appealing finished product. In the past, epoxy glues and metal fixings were deployed to install the slabs and keep them in place. More recently, with the introduction of C Tec’s revolutionary solvent free heavy duty adhesive such jobs are feasible with the adhesive alone. Power Grab N Bond is revolutionising the vertical attachment of marble slabs to exterior facades providing a quick grab that holds the slab firmly in position and fast curing times.

How the adhesive works

This miraculous adhesive joins its counterparts in the Snag List Eliminator Inventory as the perfect solution to heavy duty horizontal and vertical bonding. In the instance of attaching large marble slabs vertically a requisite number of bonding strips of Power Grab N Bond are applied with a sealant gun to the marble which is lifted and pressed into position against the target wall. The amount of adhesive needed to do the job will be dictated by the size and weight of the slab so it stays in position when placed against the wall. The initial grab of the adhesive is incredible as testified by the many users who have deployed it very successfully to perform such tasks. Conveniently it permits a certain movement of the slab before curing fully, so the marble piece can be manoeuvred into the proper permanent position. Its tensile strength and extremely strong bond ensure that the slab remains in place with no shrinkage or degrading of the adhesive.

Features of a revolutionary industrial adhesive

There are many beneficial traits in the adhesive which collectively provide a chemical formulation that is based on C Tec’s hybrid polymer CT1. Not only has it high UV and fungus resistance but it is also resistant to chemicals, to water and seawater and is not degraded by vibrations or movement. Having green credentials and conforming to Health and Safety requirements C Tec’s revolutionary product is the ideal adhesive for attaching marble slabs to the facades of illustrious buildings. It bonds on both dry and damp surfaces though it is always preferable to apply the adhesive to a clean dry surface to ensure maximum effect. C Tec provides a product named Superfast Plus Activator that prepares porous walls to receive this adhesive more effectively and it is desirable to deploy this product as advised by the manufacturer to achieve that unbreakable bond. With very heavy materials application it is also important to apply a density of adhesive strips proportionate to the task at hand.