Power Grab N Bond – the superior solution for pier caps installation

Power Grab N Bond – the superior solution for pier caps installation

Pier caps are the crowning glory

Garden Wall Piers and Gate Pillars are defined by the style and type of cap deployed to enhance and embellish the overall finished look. Regardless of the materials chosen – brick, concrete or stone – the crowning glory of any pier is its cap. Stand and absorb the vista of any wall and piers – it is the pier caps and wall copings that draw your immediate attention. They are in analogous terms the icing on the proverbial cake. Builders have a wide range of cap styles at their disposal to accommodate all sorts of wall and pier projects and to please the most discerning clients. They range from plain precast fourway style caps to the more ornate tiered type and there is a particular style for every type of wall and gate pillar. The one common denominator with all caps is the method used to effect their efficient installation on the pier.

Installation simplified with new revolutionary industrial adhesive

Traditionally a layer of mortar kept them firmly in position on the pillar but unfortunately weather extremes caused corrosion on the susceptible mortar joint  and a subsequent light knock or blow would dislodge them, leaving a repairs job which could be time consuming and would incur extra expense.  Thankfully you no longer have to envisage such a disappointing long term outcome with your pier cap installation thanks to a revolutionary adhesive sealant which is taking the construction industry by storm. Power Grab N Bond, which has been designed and manufactured by C Tec, replaces the traditional mortar bonding method, with a compound that actually does what it promises. It bonds and waterproofs simultaneously, providing an incredibly strong adhesion that cannot be broken, even with hammer blows. Its instant grab quality is remarkable yet miraculously permits movement so the cap can be positioned squarely on the pier. Curing is much much faster than mortar and the application of this bonding is also less time consuming than its traditional counterpart.

Further adhesive features and application

There are a number of other plus factors as well, such as its green credentials and its conformity with Health and Safety regulations. Its solvent free molecular chemistry makes it resistant to chemicals, oils, greases, water and seawater and Power Grab N Bond can even be applied in damp conditions, though the ideal environment should really provide a dampfree degreased contact surface. From a purely practical perspective the actual application of this product, from C Tec’s Snag List Eliminator Inventory, is a very straightforward and clean process. As it comes in a tube much like any silicone product it is applied with a sealant gun. Four to six  strips of the adhesive on the rear of the cap should be sufficient to provide an extremely strong bond between the stone or precast concrete cap and the contact wall surface. It is then simply a procedure of pressing the cap squarely into position ensuring it is also plumb with the pillar. It does not leave a residue or overspill that requires trowelling off like its mortar counterpart and thus avoids possible staining of the finished brick or stone. Power Grab N Bond not only provides a clean professional looking finish but also a super strong, lasting bond, that is not susceptible to corrosion, between the contact surfaces.