Secure chimney coping with Power Grab N Bond

Secure chimney coping with Power Grab N Bond

Coping joints are susceptible to erosion

A chimney cap or crown is an embellishment with a practical application. Reinforced concrete coping is positioned over the top of a brick and mortar chimney to protect the facade and the liner from degradation and is best fixed securely in place with Power Grab N Bond, a revolutionary waterproof, solvent free construction adhesive. As a brick or stone chimney is exposed to the extremes of weather, including winds and rain, the top must be protected to prevent erosion which would eventually eat away at the brick and mortar leaving a severely damaged chimney requiring substantial structural repairs. To preempt this potential disaster and prevent  such a grim  outcome it is better to be wise before the event rather than after.

Securing coping on the chimney with a revolutionary adhesive

The solution to this problem, as builders discovered some time ago, is to add a protective cover called a coping or crown. Coping, by its very design, covers the top surface of the chimney and overhangs the edge by a few inches so as rain water can drip free of the chimney wall below. Not only does it protect against the elements but also against the infiltration of animals, such as vermin and birds. Therefore the cap permits smoke to egress by preventing infestation of the liner. These caps or copings are usually precast in concrete or pre-cut in stone depending on the builder’s brief and client’s requirement. It is essential that they are secured firmly in place which hitherto was accomplished with a bed of mortar. This bond however is prone to damage through wet and windy conditions which erode the soft brick and susceptible mortar.  Structural repairs often require brick replacement which entails  the erection of scaffolding, purchase of bricks sand and cement and the expense of tradesmen’s time. It is more prudent now to deploy C Tec’s Power Grab N Bond as the bonding agent to secure the chimney coping in place as its inherent chemical structure makes it the best bonding solution.

Superior features of this adhesive product         

This adhesive is revolutionary from a number of perspectives: it conforms fully with Health and Safety regulations which automatically precludes other possible solutions of its kind; it is chemical, water and sea-water resistant; it has high tensile strength and is designed and manufactured specifically for heavy duty bonding; it possesses a UV and fungus resistance; it has excellent initial grab whilst retaining some flexibility allowing the chimney coping to be squarely positioned and plumbed as required; it resists vibrations and cures rapidly with no shrinking. These characteristics tick many more boxes than is really necessary but they do ensure you have an efficient long lasting bond that will not incur any extra expense into the future. There is only one overrider that is a further enhancement of the adhesive’s effectiveness and that is the deployment of another C Tec product – Superfast Plus Activator to seal any porous surface completely before the application of C Tec’s industrial strength adhesive. As an added product to guarantee bonding success it is well worth the extra cost, time and perseverance.