The Best Food-Safe and Anti-Bacterial Sealant for Workplace Kitchens

The Best Food-Safe and Anti-Bacterial Sealant for Workplace Kitchens

Preparing your office or workplace for your employees returning to work comes with many worries and apprehensions. One of which is making sure that common areas, such as the kitchen, is clean and safe for everyone to use.

Due to the global pandemic, people have a heightened sense of what they consider to be clean. Many may not feel comfortable using communal amenities as they may question what action has been taken to ensure their health and safety is a priority.

In offices and other workplace environments, one of the key communal areas subject to hygiene inspection is the kitchen. This should be a space that all employees feel happy and comfortable using. Simple things like being able to make a cup of tea can have a big impact on your employees’ overall well-being. So, if your workplace kitchen is out of use due to COVID restrictions, it can tarnish the idea of returning to work and make the transition even more difficult.

If you want to keep your kitchen open and your employees secure in the knowledge that you’re doing the most to protect their health, there are some things you can do. Regular anti-bacterial cleaning is a must to remove bacteria and microbes from surfaces, but what if your surfaces actually helped to eliminate harmful bacteria?

Workplace kitchens often have large surface areas in need of cleaning, so using an antibacterial sealant is a great way to make your kitchen more hygienic. The healthiest sealant available on the market is BT1, developed by C-Tec. BT1 has the unique ability to prevent and repel bacteria from growing on its surface – not even airborne bacteria can rest and breed on BT1.

The secret is TRIBRID® Technology, a powerful formulation created by C-Tec. This technology means that BT1 has been scientifically proven to reduce bacteria on surfaces by up to 99.99%, making it a fantastic choice for use in your workplace kitchen. Replacing your existing sealant with BT1 can give you the confidence that your workplace is a safe and healthy environment. It also shows your employees that your business is going above and beyond to make sure their long-term health is being looked after.

BT1 has many impressive accreditations proving its effectiveness as the healthiest sealant, including from The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association (NAAF), an EC1 for low emissions, and it’s been granted ISEGA’s food approval. This is one of the reasons we happily recommend BT1 for use in kitchens. The ISEGA Certification is the seal of approval confirming that BT1 is safe for use in environments where food is stored, packaged, or prepared.

You should have no reservations about using BT1 in your workplace kitchen. It’s a food-safe, anti-bacterial, and long-lasting solution. It can be a key player to keep your working environment clean and healthy for your employees. So, consider how BT1 can be part of your back-to-work plan to give everyone confidence in a happy, healthy future.

Find BT1 at your nearest Jewsons, or order yours online today.