The best way to attach a large birdhouse to a barn wall.

The best way to attach a large birdhouse to a barn wall.

The best way to attach a large birdhouse to a barn wall.

The best way to attach a large birdhouse to a barn wall is to use a tried and tested safe, heavy duty adhesive that provides a super strong adherence and a lasting bonding solution. The more traditional method of drilling and screwing is both time consuming and challenging and is fast becoming a thing of the past. Birdhouses are very practical and bird friendly nesting areas that provide protection from the elements and a modicum of safety from potential predators. They encourage many common birds including cavity nesting birds to take up residence during the spring to birth and nourish their offspring. For them there is the added incentive of having an instant home which is particularly attractive to goldfinches, warblers and jays. They will line their nests with twigs, grass and moss and will return annually to their nesting boxes if they feel safe there. These little features of birdhouse accommodation highlight the importance of attaching them securely to a tree or wall that will attract the more common cavity nesters. Another essential element is the safe aspect of whatever adhesive product is used to attach the birdhouse to the barn wall. It should be non toxic and non hazardous and possess environmental and food standards certification to ensure there is no threat to the bird lodgers.  The question is – does a heavy duty adhesive exist that ticks all the relevant boxes for a safe, long lasting and effective bonding solution.

A super strong heavy duty adhesive has been developed.

A revolutionary new adhesive of behemoth strength and longevity has been created by a Company well known for its adhesives and sealants to the Construction Industry. CT1 has developed a heavy duty adhesive/sealant of gargantuan proportions and capabilities that has quickly established itself as the number one adhesive of choice for practically all bonding applications. Designed specifically for vertical bonding, Power Grab N Bond is formulated around CT1’s flagship adhesive of the same name as the Company. This cyanoacrylate has greater density than its hybrid polymer co adhesive CT1 and therefore possesses greater instant grab capability and a stronger molecular bond. The product’s illogical flexibility allows material repositioning with no loss of adhesive integrity and its excellent structural qualities provide super strength bonding as well as environmental compliance. This amazing industrial adhesive is non hazardous, non toxic and is certified food safe. Its versatility means it is compatible with practically all materials including wood, metal, stone, concrete, polystyrene and plastics and it is resistant to impact, vibration and UV. Its permanency as a bonding solution is underscored by its resistance to cracking, shrinking and erosion so there are no fears of water ingress and disintegration. It is the ideal bonding solution for attaching a large birdhouse to a barn wall.