The best way to attach a utility room cupboard to the wall.

The best way to attach a utility room cupboard to the wall.

The conventional method of attaching a utility room cupboard to a wall has certain drawbacks – the challenge of drilling the walls, applying rawl plugs and screwing the cupboard to the wall – this is a time consuming, labour intensive dusty work. An effective alternative solution dispensing with all mechanical fixings and supports would be a welcome development. There are not many heavy duty bonding products on the market and of those that are it is difficult to find one that is versatile and completely efficient in terms of product density, instant effective grab, high tensile strength, and compatibility with practically all materials. Fortunately a Company by the name of CT1 have invented, developed and manufactured a one stop bonding and adhesive product for virtually all vertical bonding applications. It was designed for the toughest jobs with the Construction Industry in mind and has been formulated to be solvent free and extremely strong. This revolutionary bonding adhesive is ideal, for fixing a cupboard to a wall as its prowess in vertical bonding will ensure the cupboard remains in place in extremes of heat and cold and can withstand any impact without losing its integrity.

The ideal vertical bonding agent is now available.

Power Grab n Bond is the revolutionary vertical bonding product developed by CT1, the home of a range of very successful adhesives and sealants to the Construction Industry. Having been designed with the building industry in mind, this amazing adhesive product bases its unique formulation on CT1, the eponymous adhesive that is the Company’s flagship and which they have labelled the ‘Snag List Eliminator’. Power Grab n Bond is a unique solvent free construction adhesive with exceptionally high initial grab, high tensile strength and a compatibility with practically all materials. It has none of the disadvantages of conventional epoxy concoctions that need additional fixings and supports. In its relatively short existence it has quickly become the ‘go to’ heavy duty adhesive for all industrial adhesive applications. Compatible with practically all materials it works effectively on stone, concrete, blocks, bricks, metal and glass – to mention a few – and provides a bond that is impervious to impact and is resistant to corrosion, temperature extremes and vibration. After years of research Power Grab n Bond’s engineered structural adhesion is incredibly strong yet easy to apply and represents an unprecedented phenomenon to replace the need for drilling and mechanical fixings. With an application of this super adhesive on heavy ceramic tiles they will stay glued to the hearth to provide an attractive cosmetic finish and a practical hard wearing surface.