The best way to attach replacement car body panels.

The best way to attach replacement car body panels.

The best way to attach replacement car body panels.

Replacing car body panels is becoming a much faster operation for both skilled panel beaters and DIY hands on car enthusiasts with the invention of chemically engineered super glues or cyanoacrylates that bond on a molecular level. If car panels such as the wing become damaged in an accident they have to be repaired or replaced . Should the damage be irreparable due to the severity of the accident replacement parts will have to be used. Replacing a body panel is a skilled job best left to the experienced panel beater – at least that was the norm when traditional attachment methods such as riveting or welding were used. Traditional methods of attaching the panels required welding equipment and the skilled hands of a vehicle body panel beater. With the development of superglues the attachment process was to become faster and more efficient – at least that was the hope of the operatives involved in the car body workshops. Many cyanoacrylates were trialled in the process but few were recognised as real game changers because of factors in their disappointing performance. However, one particularly outstanding industrial adhesive quickly came to the attention of industrial operatives and construction workers across the UK, Ireland, Spain and Norway as the ‘go to’ adhesive solution for practically all heavy duty bonding applications. It is the perfect fit for gluing car panels securely and permanently in place.

An efficient high strength industrial adhesive has been developed.

Power Grab N Bond has the ability to bond practically all materials together in an effective and long lasting manner. Its unique formulation based on CT1’s amazing eponymous adhesive, designed with the construction industry in mind, possesses a greater density than its stable mate in providing a stronger initial grab and higher tensile strength. Both products produce a long lasting bonding performance. Designed specifically for vertical facade bonding, Power Grab N Bond has the capability of bonding large marble and granite slabs to building facades with no sliding. The incredible instant grab is equally efficient on practically all materials including concrete, metal, stone, wood, granite, polystyrene and plastics. The product remains illogically flexible so marble slabs or car panels can be repositioned without compromising the bonding integrity and it can withstand extreme conditions with no loss of bonding strength. Even submerged in water it continues to retain its super strength with no cracking, shrinking or erosion. It is non hazardous and environmentally friendly with food safe certification and is resistant to impact vibration and chemicals. Using this method of attaching car panels could reduce labour time by at least 50%. Power Grab N Bond effectively replaces all other methods of attachment with no mechanical fixings or supports required. This amazing bonding product speeds up the panel fitting process with no detrimental effects and provides the adhesive solution that panel beaters have long awaited.