The best way to fit cut sandstone window mullions.

The best way to fit cut sandstone window mullions.

Fitting window mullions is normally facilitated with mechanical fixings and supports which is a very time consuming and labour intensive operation. Lots of drilling is required to set the fixings in position so the mullions can be screwed to them for stability. The horizontal mullion commonly known as the transom is fitted after the two vertical side mullions are screwed in position. The whole fitting process takes time and time is money where hired labour and skilled fitters are concerned. Would it not be a wonderful transition and job transformation if an alternative method of fitting mullions could be found? The concept has been around for a while as have proposed adhesives to do the job. Unfortunately reality did not live up to expectation where underperforming solutions failed to bond the mullions securely and permanently. With some despair the construction industry awaited a better performing adhesive product that would effectively replace the drill and screw method. To their complete relief a Company by the name of CT1 researched and developed a super performing heavy duty adhesive that ticks all the criteria for a viable alternative to historic fitting processes. In essence this revolutionary bonding agent glues and seals with formidable strength providing an excellent and permanent bonding solution.

A formidable new heavy duty adhesive does the job effectively.

A revolutionary new heavy duty adhesive has been developed and manufactured by CT1, the home of a family of illustriously successful adhesives and sealants to the building industry. THe amazingly strong adhesive product owes its prowess to years of research and development initiated by CT1 and designed with construction needs in mind. The product is based on its eponymous flagship hybrid polymer adhesive/sealant which the Company have labelled the ‘Snag List Eliminator’ such is the esteem in which it is held by both the public and CT1. This vertical bonding agent has tremendous initial grab and cures to a very high tensile strength that is well suited to fitting and bonding cut sandstone window mullions. These decorative window features have a twofold purpose. They are primarily decorative with a secondary purpose of structural support to an arch or lintel above the window opening. Cut sandstone adds a very unique regal appearance to a house and is well worth the bother of including sandstone mullions as a mark of distinction. Power Grab n Bond is the ideal bonding product for securing the mullions permanently in position without any mechanical fixings or supports. It saves fitting time and expense and leaves a beautifully clean finished look to the window. Product attributes that make it the perfect bonding solution are its resistance to water penetration, vibration and weather extremes. It will not shrink or erode and will retain its integrity while allowing some flexibility.