The best way to install a ceiling to floor mirror in a fitting room.

The best way to install a ceiling to floor mirror in a fitting room.

The best way to instal a ceiling to floor mirror in a fitting room is to glue it in place with an effective industrial adhesive that provides a safe permanent bonding solution. It dispenses with the traditional time consuming and labour intensive method of drilling and screwing and the inherent risk of shattering the mirror in the process. You only get one chance to mount the mirror on the horizontal level and if your drilling is out there is little you can do to compensate for holes being in the wrong position – even skilled trades people can get it wrong sometimes. Wrongly positioned drilling of screw holes could be a DIY enthusiast’s greatest nightmare requiring redrilling of a new set of holes and repositioning the mirror on the wall. The question on everyone’s lips is – does an effective adhesive solution exist that is sufficiently strong and long lasting to warrant its deployment? The current position is that a number of adhesives claim the capability of gluing practically any material to a plastered block wall. The reality in retrospect is that they all fall short on expectation, with inherent design and formulation flaws that reduce their efficiency to a less than acceptably functional status. None are safe and some do provide a temporary adhesive solution which means the adhesive could fail at any time causing the mirror to collapse with devastating consequences. A broken mirror cannot be repaired so you have to replace it – an uninvited additional expense that could have been offset or avoided by using an effective bonding agent in the first instance. The obvious subsequent question is – has a new efficient adhesive solution been developed in the meantime? Thankfully, to the relief and celebration of Construction operatives and DIY adherents a new revolutionary industrial adhesive has been invented that fulfils a comprehensive criteria list for the most versatile and effective bonding product ever to come on the market.

A powerful new industrial adhesive is now available.

If you want a good heavy duty industrial adhesive then opt for a solution that has a successful track record – one that provides superb strength, some flexibility and a lasting effective bond. It needs to tick all the efficiency criteria boxes and possess a unique formulation that is non corrosive and safe and is also water, chemical, vibration and UV resistant. Does the product exist that enjoys these credentials as well as being solvent free and non hazardous? CT1, the Company who invented a range of very successful adhesives and sealants for the Construction Industry, has developed a revolutionary heavy duty adhesive that is designed specifically for vertical bonding applications. Its strength is its primary attribute with an enigmatic flexibility that allows mirror repositioning on the wall with no slippage and no loss of bonding integrity. It is the ideal adhesive solution for mounting a large heavy ceiling to floor mirror in a fitting room – its popularity as the ‘go to’ heavy duty adhesive reinforced by its incredible effectiveness as a permanent bonding solution. Power Grab N bond’s efficiency as a strong environmentally friendly and food safe product has raised its profile to the number one industrial adhesive/sealant in the UK, Ireland, Spain and Norway.