The easiest way to fix a section wall in place.

The easiest way to fix a section wall in place.

The easiest way to fix a section wall in place.

Portable modular buildings are used for many purposes for example, office accomodation – both temporary and permanent, construction site canteens and offices, school spillover accommodation and even living space. They are constructed in factories or workshops in sections and are transported to the appointed location where they are fitted together by skilled trades people. The traditional method of fixing the sections together is hammer, nails and screws, with the latest technology providing compression hammers and power screw drivers to speed up the process. Imagine an even faster and more effective method of installing the sections that saves on labour and consequently expenditure. Super glues with industrial strength adhesion are a valid and effective way of fixing the wall sections together. More correctly, one particular revolutionary new adhesive is the ideal solution for bonding section walls together in an efficient and permanent manner. Developed by a Company who are experts in construction sealants and adhesives this amazing industrial adhesive, designed specifically for heavy duty vertical facade bonding, combines phenomenal initial grab with high tensile strength bond integrity. It is fast to apply and is compatible with practically all materials providing an effective long lasting bonding solution.

A revolutionary new industrial adhesive works wonders.

Section walls in modular buildings can be quickly fixed in place with CT1’s revolutionary heavy duty adhesive, Power Grab N Bond. Based on the Company’s construction hybrid polymer adhesive/sealant of the same name, it possesses a host of properties that make it the heavy duty adhesive of choice for trades people and industry operatives across the UK, Ireland, Spain and Norway. In practice it does what it says on the tin, providing a phenomenally strong initial grab with an astronomical curing high tensile strength. The cured product is actually stronger than the material itself and is formulated for long life performance. Resistant to water ingress, impact, vibration, chemicals andUV, Power Grab N Bond is a resilient adhesive product with no cracking, shrinking or disintegration. It tolerates any conditions and can endure submersion in water with no loss of bonding integrity. The crazy product feature that puzzles users is its ability to retain a flexibility that allows material movement and repositioning with no sliding and absolutely no compromise on its astronomical bonding strength and performance. Seeing it in action is awe inspiring and logic defiant as it vertically bonds extreme loads without any additional mechanical fixings or supports. This amazing solvent free adhesive is non hazardous, non toxic, non corrosive and is compatible with practically all materials ensuring 100% results every time. This is the perfect solution for applications that are difficult to drill and is the ideal method for bonding section walls to one another and to a wood or metal framework.