The fastest way to repair a broken strap on a handbag.

The fastest way to repair a broken strap on a handbag.

You could assert that a handbag is a girl’s best friend or perhaps second best after her favourite diamond or piece of jewellery. On a practical level her handbag goes everywhere with her so it becomes almost an appendage of her being and persona, an indispensable hold all that contains practically all of her earthly belongings – at least those things that account for her cosmetic well being and hair grooming perfection. When something goes awry with that precious bag then the world comes to a standstill until reparation is made. The question is however – what can you do to correct the broken handbag syndrome and restore a semblance of sanity to a potentially emotionally explosive situation. You could consider a number of fixes including simply stapling the strap together but that would be unsightly, unacceptable and not a permanent solution. There is the alternative of sticking it together with a strong adhesive but this solution has proved ineffective from previous attempts to remediate a similar catastrophic situation. The unfortunate fact is that, based on experience, no glue seems to work effectively on a leather strap. At best it proves a very temporary solution with the strap joint separating under the weight of the handbag and its essential contents, and at worst a pointless exercise with no effective long term fix. Thankfully the challenge of finding a truly effective solution has been resolved with the relatively recent advent of a revolutionary new adhesive that is versatile, strong and long lasting.

A versatile adhesive solution for your bonding needs.

A clear and effective solution to the broken handbag strap is now available in the form of an amazing super glue named Superfast Plus. Its versatility makes it the perfect antidote and cure to broken leather straps. A colourless one component adhesive that is solvent free, this incredibly strong superglue is the ideal product choice for all your bonding requirements. Developed in response to the Construction Industry’s need for a new effective and long lasting adhesive solution, Superfast Plus provides a set of unique formulation components that make it the most effective go to adhesive product on the market. Deployed across all industries as the de facto number one choice adhesive, it commands the respect and commendation of all construction professionals and many more in a whole range of businesses and other industries such as Medical, Hospitality and Food to mention but a few.  Its excellent qualities include a resistance to chemicals, temperature fluctuations, weather extremes and vibration. The latter in particular would have positive implications for handbag strap repair in so far as its performance would not be compromised by constant material movement which would be considerable as regards a handbag. The product’s versatility in effectively gluing leather to leather makes it also ideal for this application and will provide an efficient and permanent solution.