The most effective way to attach large sheet metal wall panels to metal stanchions on a shed.

The most effective way to attach large sheet metal wall panels to metal stanchions on a shed.

The most effective way to attach large sheet metal wall panels to metal stanchions on a shed is to deploy a tried and tested industrial adhesive that combines strength and longevity. Traditionally the attachment was made using bolts and screws or firing ties into metal. The latter method is quite dangerous with as many misfires that can cause injury to the operative’s hand. The bolt and screw technology is time consuming and can require welding pieces of metal to the stanchions to take the bolts to secure the metal shed sidings. All this tiresome approach to fixing metal sidings to metal stanchions could be averted if an effective heavy duty adhesive capable of gluing metal to metal was available. Until recently that was a forlorn hope but with the development of industrial type bonding agents that hope has become a reality. However, many new heavy duty adhesives failed to live up to expectations, with short lived adhesive efficiency and poor end results.