Why You Need to Replace Your Mouldy Bathroom Sealant Now

Why You Need to Replace Your Mouldy Bathroom Sealant Now

We’ve all spent a lot of time in our homes over the last 12 months, and due to this, a lot of us have become desensitized to worsening problems right in front of us. Our homes should be our safe haven and the best place to protect us from illness, but what if your home is making you sick?

There’s been lots of research done recently to some of the health-related drawbacks of staying inside for so long. Indoor air, for example, can be incredibly poor quality. With nowhere to go, allergens get trapped inside and can trigger a range of ill effects on your health, including respiratory problems.

One of the key culprits instigating ill-health in our own homes is something extremely common: bathroom mould.

Mould can be exceptionally harmful, and you should take the most care to eliminate it where possible. But after spending so long in your home, you may not be aware of the full impact it’s having on your health. An apathetic attitude to bathroom mould can lead to allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and serious illness.

Exposure to any type or amount of mould has the potential to greatly impact your health. It can irritate your eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs, and if you suffer from allergies or asthma, you may feel these effects even more acutely. Those particularly at risk of long-term damage or serious illness due to mould exposure include infants and children, the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, and anyone who’s suffered with or currently has lung or respiratory sicknesses.

You may notice black spots forming on your existing bathroom sealant. These are the warning signs of mould. Even if they’re very small, these will continue to grow and can turn into a much bigger problem in the long term.

There are methods to remove mould from bathroom sealant, such as cleaning, but this is a temporary solution. The best way to eliminate and prevent mould and bacteria from thriving in your bathroom is to replace your existing sealant with an anti-mould sealant.

BT1 is the ultimate sealant and adhesive for bathroom applications due to its incredible anti-fungal properties. It prevents bacteria from growing and multiplying on the surface of the sealant, unlike any other sealant available on the market. In fact, BT1 is scientifically proven to reduce bacteria by up to 99.99%.

This level of long-lasting and effective mould deterrence has never before been seen in the industry and is thanks to the unique and revolutionary TRIBRID® Technology. This means that bacteria and microbes cannot survive on the surface of the BT1 sealant, stopping them from spreading or turning into harmful mould. You won’t have to worry about finding a mould-cleaning solution, as BT1 is all about prevention ­– not cure.

BT1 is well-known in the construction industry as the healthiest sealant because it contains no solvents and isocyanates, is EC1 Plus Certified, and is ISEGA Food approved. This makes it ideal for applications and DIY use in your home as it’s completely non-toxic.

Don’t wait any longer. Put your family’s health first and eliminate mould in your home with the help of BT1. Get yours from our retail partner, Jewsons, today